booting droid 4 xt894 with current kernel

booting hp t410 with current kernel

booting n8x0 with current kernel

unofficial n800 usb host mode

dynamic tick timer for linux

unofficial omap linux patches

linux for psion 5mx and revo kernel patches

proboot linux bootloader for psion 5mx pro

xpsitouch linux touch panel button handler for psion

linux fast serial port enabler for w83627hf

amd 76x native power management for linux

misc amd64 stuff for linux

powerbook 5300/1400 trex pcmcia driver for linux

pjb-100 personal jukebox usb driver for linux-2.6

xawtv-3.76 patch for remote X11 displays

dog toys



Proboot allows boot Linux directly from a CompactFlash card on 
Psion 5mx Pro handheld computers. Proboot does not work with the 
standard Psion 5mx, or Revo, please use ArLo bootloader instead.

The most recent release is in current, and the old releases are in

Please read also the CHANGES and README files.


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